چند روز پیش مینی سریال Little Fires Everywhere رو دیدم. اوایلش حوصلم سر میرفت و حتی پشیمون شدم از دیدنش ولی قسمت هشتم رو اینقدر دوست داشتم که میتونم بگم ارزش دیدن رو داشت. حرفایی که میا به ایزی زد حرفایی بود که من احتیاج داشتم بشنوم :)
When I was pregnant with Pearl, I drove out to California and one night; it was 2 or 3 in the morning and I saw this light coming over the horizon and as I got closer, I realized that it was a fire. A prairie fire and I just pulled over and I watched and when sun came out, the earth; everything was black; scorched and it felt like exactly how I felt. It felt like the end of the world but then I had Pearl and I learned things that I didn't know before. Like that sometimes you have to scorch everything to start over and after the burning, the soil is rich and life can grow there. Life that is maybe even better than what was there before. And people are like that too, they are resilient. Even from total devestation, they start over and they find a way.
الان تو نقطه ای هستم که کم کاری کردم، خیلی زیاد... طوری که بخشیدن خودم کاری مشکلیه. هیچ جوره نمیتونم به خودم حق بدم و طرف خودم رو بگیرم. شعله های ریزه میزه گوشه گوشه ی زندگیم رو گرفتن و دارن جون میگیرن و به زودی همه چی میسوزه، سیاه میشه و پودر میشه ولی من مثل همه ی آدم های دیگه مقاومم. جمع میکنم خودمو :) و دوباره شروع میکنم به زودی.